Farleigh Hassacks (image: AZ Urban Studio)
Farleigh Hassacks (image: Ben Pentreath Architects)

Farleigh Hassacks

Development planning

AZ Urban Studio has secured planning permission and Listed Building Consent for the demolition of 20th century rear extensions to 17th century Grade II listed Farleigh Hassacks house in the Farleigh Wallop Estate and for their replacement with a more sympathetic part single and part two storey rear wing extension. The approved works enable the revealment of a larger portion of the original rear elevation of the listed building while allowing an enlargement to and internal reconfiguration of the property to meet modern day living requirements.

The scale, materials and character of the approved extensions designed by Ben Pentreath Architects were taken from the original dwelling allowing the extensions to be harmonious with the original fabric and design of the listed building.

AZ Urban Studio led the project from the pre-application stage through to the determination of the applications and after lengthy discussions with the Council in relation to the form and scale of the extensions, successfully secured permission under delegated powers.

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