High Beech - Rear elevation across meadow (image: client)
High Beech - Front elevation (image: client)
High Beech - Constraints and opportunities (image: client)

High Beech, Epping Forest

Development planning

AZ Urban Studio has secured planning permission for the construction of a large family home on Green Belt land in Epping Forest. The proposed development is based on an existing permission but has been adapted to meet the client’s objectives and improve its environmental performance.

Sergison Bates Architects designed a contemporary house that reflects the local vernacular architecture and takes into account the unique characteristics of the site, which sits between forest and agricultural land.

We were able to convince the authorities that the proposed design respects the essential qualities of the surrounding landscape while minimizing the impact of the existing permission. Prior to this project, AZ Urban Studio obtained a Certificate of Lawfulness, confirming that earlier works were compliant with the earlier permission.

This project, which is now complete, is one of several private residential schemes in the Green Belt that we are currently working on with various architects.

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